世界の名スピーチ !! 今回は、Facebookを創業した「Mark Zuckerberg (マーク・ザッカーバーグ)」が、ハーバード大学(Harvard university)の卒業式で行ったスピーチを紹介していきます。
今回は、前回の「マーク・ザッカーバーグ(ハーバード大学卒業式)名スピーチ ④」の続きになります。以下、リンク先を参照下さい。
マーク・ザッカーバーグ のスピーチ原文(下段:日本語訳)
本サイトでは、スピーチの英文と、日本語訳で紹介していきます。(英文については、ハーバード大学のwebサイト から、参照しております。)また、ビジネスや生活に役立つ、スピーチ中の名言については、スライド画像を用いて紹介していきます。(文章中太文字の英単語はこの記事の最下部に、英単語の意味を記載しております。)
Purpose doesn’t only come from work. The third way we can create a sense of purpose for everyone is by building community. And when our generation says “everyone”, we mean everyone in the world.
目的は仕事だけから来るのではありません。第3の方法は、コミュニティを築くことで、みんなに目的意識を創りだすことです。 そして私たちの世代が「みんな」に言うとき、それは世界中の「みんな」を意味します。
Quick show of hands: how many of you are from another country? Now, how many of you are friends with one of these folks? Now we’re talking. We have grown up connected.
手を挙げてもらいましょう。海外出身の人はいますか? 手を挙げたままで。さて、この人たちと友達の人は? そうこなくては。私たちはつながりを強めてきました。
In a survey asking millennials around the world what defines our identity, the most popular answer wasn’t nationality, religion or ethnicity, it was “citizen of the world”. That’s a big deal.
世界中のミレニアル世代を対象にした調査で、何がアイデンティティを決めるかを尋ねたところ、最も多かった回答は国籍でも、宗教でも、民族でもありませんでした。答えは「世界市民」でした。 これは大きなことです。
Every generation expands the circle of people we consider “one of us”. For us, it now encompasses the entire world.
すべての世代が「私たちの一員」とみなす、人々の輪を広げてきました。 私たちにとっては、それは今や世界全体を含みます。
We understand the great arc of human history bends towards people coming together in ever greater numbers — from tribes to cities to nations — to achieve things we couldn’t on our own.
We get that our greatest opportunities are now global — we can be the generation that ends poverty, that ends disease. We get that our greatest challenges need global responses too — no country can fight climate change alone or prevent pandemics. Progress now requires coming together not just as cities or nations, but also as a global community.
But we live in an unstable time. There are people left behind by globalization across the world. It’s hard to care about people in other places if we don’t feel good about our lives here at home. There’s pressure to turn inwards.
しかし、私たちは不安定な時代に生きています。 世界中にグローバリゼーションからとり残されている人々がいます。 自分たちがまずここ故国での生活を良く思えなければ、他の場所にいる人々たちを気遣うことは難しいのです。内向きになる圧力があるのです。
This is the struggle of our time. The forces of freedom, openness and global community against the forces of authoritarianism, isolationism and nationalism. Forces for the flow of knowledge, trade and immigration against those who would slow them down. This is not a battle of nations, it’s a battle of ideas. There are people in every country for global connection and good people against it.
This isn’t going to be decided at the UN either. It’s going to happen at the local level, when enough of us feel a sense of purpose and stability in our own lives that we can open up and start caring about everyone. The best way to do that is to start building local communities right now.
We all get meaning from our communities. Whether our communities are houses or sports teams, churches or music groups, they give us that sense we are part of something bigger, that we are not alone; they give us the strength to expand our horizons.
That’s why it’s so striking that for decades, membership in all kinds of groups has declined as much as one-quarter. That’s a lot of people who now need to find purpose somewhere else.
But I know we can rebuild our communities and start new ones because many of you already are.
I met Agnes Igoye, who’s graduating today. Where are you, Agnes? She spent her childhood navigating conflict zones in Uganda, and now she trains thousands of law enforcement officers to keep communities safe.
今日卒業するアグネス・イゴエに会いしました。アグネス、どこにいますか? 彼女は、幼少時代ウガンダで人身売買が行われる紛争地域で育ちました。いま、コミュニティの安全に保つために数千人の法律施行官を訓練しています。
I met Kayla Oakley and Niha Jain, graduating today, too. Stand up. Kayla and Niha started a non-profit that connects people suffering from illnesses with people in their communities willing to help.
I met David Razu Aznar, graduating from the Kennedy School today. David, stand up. He’s a former city councilor who successfully led the battle to make Mexico City the first Latin American city to pass marriage equality — even before San Francisco.
This is my story too. A student in a dorm room, connecting one community at a time, and keeping at it until one day we connect the whole world.
Change starts local. Even global changes start small — with people like us. In our generation, the struggle of whether we connect more, whether we achieve our biggest opportunities, comes down to this — your ability to build communities and create a world where every single person has a sense of purpose.
- folk:人々
- survey :調査
- nationality:国籍
- religion :宗教
- ethnicity:民族
- encompasses:取り巻く、包囲する
- arc:弧、円弧
- tribes:部族、種族
- poverty:貧困
- disease:病気
- authoritarianism:権威主義
- isolationism :孤立主義
- immigration:移民
- rebuild :再建する
- childhood :幼少時代
- law enforcement officers:法律施行官
- non-profit:非営利的な
- suffering:苦痛
- illnesses :病気
- former:前の
- councilor:議員
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